Sunday, June 15, 2008

Modern Day Religions

The religions in today's world take on many forms, but they always lead to one thing, bondage. Today's world seeks to find truth in just the things they choose to. But this search leads to bondage, in that they want to find God, or Allah, or enlightenment. The truth is this: you cannot find God, Allah, or enlightenment, by trying to work you way to them. You can only find truth when it is freely given to you, not when you try to seek it on your own. The more you work towards these"gods" or "higher consciousness", the more it enslaves you. There are people who have worked, and worked, trying to appease gods or trying to achieve further enlightenment, but in actuality, it serves no greater purpose for that person than to restrict him from a life of happiness and fulfillment.
Let me clarify a few things before moving on. You may find yourself asking, "I am happy and I do have fulfillment. Where do you get off telling me I don't have those things?"
The happiness and/or fulfillment you may have is restricted because of your religion. Therefore, if happiness or fulfillment is restricted, they lose there meaning. In short, it is not real happiness or fulfillment. It is a veil thrown over you eyes to hide the truth from you.
The Lifeway Truth about religions is this: do not adhere to a "religion", adhere to a way of life that fulfills the meaning of happiness and fulfillment. What is the meaning of happiness? Well, it does not come from God, Allah, Buddha, or any other "god". It comes from being responsible and accountable for your actions. Then will happiness ensue and your life will take on greater meaning from that point on.
To be able to find fulfillment you must have a higher power that does not restrict your happiness, hinders you from fulfillment, or places you into bondage. One which can give you freedom without having to work for it. Religion is man's way to reach God, and for us to be able to have fulfillment God must reach down and touch our lives. In my own experience, there is no religion that can do this, not even Christianity. Yeah, we have all heard: "God has touched my life." If He has, does your lifestyle reflect that? You see, truth is evident in the lifestyle of the one who knows that truth. There are many people who say their religion is "truth". In most cases the truth they believe in is not really lived by, but is just a concept that gives them a good self image. They proclaim truth, but action does not ensue.
To wrap it up: people do what they do because of what they believe. If you proclaim you know truth, ask yourself if you live by it. I have never encountered any religion that lives up to what it teaches or preaches. Let us be honest with ourselves on one point. You cannot live entirely true to any religion, but you can live by truth and that will be the key to living free of bondage. The truth I believe in is the Truth, the Life, and the Way, Jesus Christ; I am His follower, a follower of the Way. I cannot live the Christian life, or the life of any religion, for it is impossible. I live each day by the strength that comes from Jesus. Do I live perfectly? No, I do not. Do I believe Jesus wants me to adhere to a certain way of life? No, just the truth. Am I a hypocrite? No, just a human being who is fallible and capable of making mistakes. I do not claim to be perfect, but instead, I am imperfect and just a normal man. I know from living life that you cannot try to prove to others what is true or isn't, you have to let them make up their own minds. God is not going to make you accept Him and neither is He going to send you to hell. This life is for you to decide how to view it, and how you view it is how you will live. You hold the key to the truth and there is only one truth, one key, and one door for you to walk through. Will you walk through the door and find truth and fulfillment? Or will you be one of those people who say there is no God because they do not want to be responsible or accountable for their actions? Let us be frank on a final point here. People will do evil things, yes. God doesn't allow these things to happen and neither does Satan. Instead, people do evil things because they believe in the wrong things. God is not going to interfere here one earth unless we want Him to. He lets us do what we do to learn from them and if we do not learn from them, whose fault is that? To be brief, believe in the wrong things and your lifestyle will reflect it. Believe in the right things, the truth, your lifestyle will reflect it AND the world will be changed by it. The reason the world is in such a bad state is because we allow it and because we believe in the wrong things.
Please, do not get me wrong. This is not religion repackaged. It is just a way to be free from any baggage you may be carrying around. You do not have to give up anything and neither does God require it. Come as you are and experience the Truth, the Life, and the Way. This is what the Lifeway Truth is all about: being free of religion. The Lifeway truth will set you free. Good deeds can't do it, you can't do it, and nobody can do it, just Jesus. Jesus is the Lifeway Truth. Follow The Way, not the ways of man. Jesus is a choice and a lifestyle, not religion and not bondage.
The truth is out there and the truth will set you free.

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